A New Start, A New Beginning.

For a while now I’ve been contemplating stepping away from my full time job to freelance full time. So many thoughts from that point on have crossed my mind. Like, “What about finances?” “What about stability?” “What about during the slow months?”

I’m so tired of thinking about the negative “What ifs”. That’s held me back for months now. I don’t feel challenged at my job anymore. I don’t see myself still working here in the future either. Actually, I’m very much over this job, because it’s not taking me down the path I want my career to go. I want to be an audio engineer for huge, complex shows. Concerts. Festivals. I want to learn the technical aspects of a show that’s beyond what I currently do now, and I know I won’t learn this if I stay where I’m at. All of my opportunities for these are passing me by as I go about my daily routine at my full time.

I’ve talked and worked with so many freelancers in the area and I just know I can do what they do, and for some, do an even better job. I want to be paid a full rate for my services, not have to worry about corporate bs and policies. I want control of my days, when I can take off and when I can plan trips. And I truly believe I am ready. I know I am. But this is new for me too. I only slightly know what to expect. I’ll have to work from the bottom to the top to make a name for myself amongst all the other techs that have been doing this for years.

I truly am grateful that my Husband supports my decision because it’s pretty scary stepping into the unknown…but I’m ready for the challenge. I’ve never felt so ready and I’m finally going to follow my intuition and not be afraid of change.

Tomorrow I will be telling my supervisor that I am resigning.

I know God has me.

Here’s to a new beginning ❤

Ay Ay

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